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Are You on Kindle Unlimited?

I should probably start this post by pointing out that it is not sponsored by Amazon. No, even though it's sure to read like a paid promotion, this post is just my own humble opinion of Kindle Unlimited - which. is. awesome.

Seriously, if you are an avid reader you NEED this subscription. When I'm on a roll (and have some actual time for reading), I can knock out twenty books in a week. Believe me, our budget does not include that kind of spending on new books for me! And though our local library is awesome, they don't carry the indie authors that I like to read. Not to mention the fact that I'm a big fan of instant gratification... when I am ready for the next book in a series, I want to read it NOW (typically somewhere around 3 a.m.) not in two weeks when it's my turn to check it out from the library collection.

Enter Kindle Unlimited... where for $10 a month I can read as many books as I want? That's great! I feel like I'm getting all these books for free... I mean, I am paying the $10 a month, but BELIEVE me, I'm getting my money's worth. All it takes is 2-3 books that I download through KU instead of buying outright and that's the $10 right there. I typically hit that point about two days into the month. And from there on out, I'm reading for free!

Okay, yes, the author does have to have made the book available through KU, so sometimes a book I want isn't available for free and I have to get it another way. But there are SO MANY books in KU that I'm in no danger of running out of titles anytime soon. I pretty much always have my maximum of 10 books checked out through KU (yes, there's a limit like the library... but unlike the library, no waiting list!) and my TBR (To Be Read) Shelf runneth over. Just the way I like it. :)

Admittedly, there are some duds in the KU collection... but there are also some incredibly good reads to be found! I feel a thrill of excitement any time I go looking for a new book and see that KU logo that means I can read it for free. And if it turns out that I don't like it so much, I don't have to feel bad about having spent the money.

Just in case you were worried about the authors... they still get paid when someone reads a KU book. Amazon pays by the page for books read via KU ... and for an average-length book the pay per page usually averages out to about the same amount as the author would have received if you bought the book.

So there's my tip of the day. If you're not a KU subscriber yet, get on board! You'll be glad you did - and your favorite indie authors will thank you for reading more books more often (because it's like they're free! Free! Did I mention that already?).

If you're already on KU (or need some incentive to join) here are some of my favorite KU authors/books that you should pick up immediately. (And of course, Into Shadow is included!)

  • K.L. Phelps - Kat Parker series (hilarious urban fantasy)

  • J.L. Bryan - Ellie Jordan series (spooky fun)

  • Melissa F. Olson - Scarlett Bernard series (exciting urban fantasy)

  • Patrick Hodges - Joshua's Island and Ethan's Secret (heartwarming and wonderful contemporary fiction)

  • Kayla Howarth - The Institute series (fantastic dystopian/superhero)

  • Paul Briggs - Locksmith Trilogy (time-travel/mystery... I am DYING for the next book)

  • Melissa A. Craven - Emerge (start to an intriguing new urban fantasy series)

  • Kimberly Readnour - Mystical Encounters series (mysteries solved by clever teenage psychic)

  • Michelle Lynn - Dawn of Rebellion series (thought-provoking dystopian)

  • John L. Lipp - Monsters Anonymous Club (fun middle-grade mystery/fantasy)

  • Beth Woodrum - Maisie series (cute middle-grade mysteries featuring a pint-size detective)

And a list of authors on my TBR list - I'm getting to all of these ASAP... you should, too :)

  • Lauren Ellis - Reality Is In a Dream (fantasy/mystery)

  • Susan Aguilo - (young reader and middle grade books I'm picking up for the kids)

  • Vanessa Bettencourt - Heir of Scars series (fantasy)

  • Angela Caldwell - The Last Order (Sci-Fi)

  • Alison Dodds - Professor McNitt and the Journey to Gambit (fantasy)

  • Lauri Fern - A Life Interrupted (contemporary fiction)

  • Sharon Hendricks - (picture books for the kids to enjoy)

  • Kirby Howell - Autumn series (paranormal)

  • Rebecca Jaycox - The Other Inheritance (fantasy)

  • Cynthia Port - (middle grade humor and sci-fi)

  • Helen Rena - The Coldest Heart (dystopian)

  • Sarah Lange Wathen - (contemporary and paranormal)

  • Debbie Manber Kupfer - P.A.W.S. series (urban fantasy)

  • George Sirois - Excelsior (superhero)

Whew! There should be something there for every taste... and more than enough to keep you (and me!) reading for a while!

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